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2 posts tagged with "cli"

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· 11 min read
"What would you say you do here?"
–Office Space (1999)

What would you say professional software engineers do? The job usually involves a lot more than writing code. Meetings. User feedback. Bug fixes. Design decisions. Choosing the right tools. Cost-benefit analysis. Team building. Delegation. The list goes on.

The job can vary significantly, depending on the role and level of experience, but at the end of the day, it all comes down to producing code which solves real problems and meets business needs. The effective output of software engineering can be measured as code committed, not by the number of lines or even the number of commits, but by the problems solved, features added, and systems integrated.

If you're a professional software engineer, there's at least a 99.99% chance you know what Git is, and you probably use it almost every day. The tangible work you produce is typically a series of Git commits and branches. The end result is the current version of your application.

What if you had a way to skip all of the time-consuming integration work, a way to pick and choose exactly the commits you need to produce your desired application? That is exactly what we're doing here.